# Getting L1_RS2 sequence from LINE1 consensus [unalim@gra-login2 me_ref]$ awk '/>L1_RS2/,/ /' rm10_LINE_cons.fa # Getting ERVK2 sequence from LTR consensus (in between fasta file) [unalim@gra-login1 me_ref]$ sed -n '/>MacERVK2-int/,/>MacERVK2_LTR1a/{ />MacERVK2_LTR1a/!p }' rm10_LTR_cons.fa # Building ZIP file # Requirements: consensus sequence for transposon in ref genome (fa), repeat masked bed file module load bowtie2 and samtools # template java -Xmx1G -jar ../melt/MELT.jar BuildTransposonZIP # for LINE1 java -Xmx1G -jar ../../melt/MELT.jar BuildTransposonZIP rm10_LINE_cons.fa rm10_L1.bed LINE1 3 # for Alu (AluY as a test) java -Xmx1G -jar ../../melt/MELT.jar BuildTransposonZIP rm_AluY_cons.fa rm10_Alu.bed ALU 10 # note: command is also provided as executable batch file using salloc # for error: ALU is 10 and LINE1 is 3 # forms ALU_MELT.zip and LINE1_MELT.zip Archive: ALU_MELT.zip ALU.fa ALU.fa.fai ALU.bed ALU.1.bt2 ALU.2.bt2 ALU.3.bt2 ALU.4.bt2 ALU.rev.1.bt2 ALU.rev.2.bt2 ALU.info