Prot2Gene: Precise Exon Prediction & Mapping
Using Protein Sequences

Note to guest users: this program is in its testing phase. Your feedbacks, including bug reports and suggestions for improvements, will be greatly appreciated. Please email your feedback to Ping Liang.

Click here for an example of its output. If the first exon can't be found in the first attempt, the program will provide you a list possible first exons, and you will have options to narrow down the candidates. Click here to go directly to our First Exon Predictor (FEP).

Genomic DNA Sequence (fasta format or bare sequence, length limit: 0.5 -- 900 kb):
Upload file:
Or, paste text:

Protein Sequence (fasta format or bare sequence, length limit: 10 -- 3000 aa):
Upload file:
Or, paste text:
